• Kaynak: www.juniper.net

    System > Log/Monitoring > User Access > Settings

    kısmında yeni syslog sunucusunu girebilirsiniz.

    Server name/IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

    Facility = LOCAL0

    Type = UDP

    Filter = WELF: WELF

  • Kaynak: www.juniper.net


    ; kMsg8021xAMErrNoWindowsProfile


    Short-desc = No Windows WLAN profile

    Long-desc = Verify your wireless network configuration and then try the

    operation again.


    ; kMsg8021xAMErrNoSSID


    Short-desc = No SSID(s) in range for connection request.

    Long-desc = Verify your wireless network configuration and SSID signal

    strength and then try the operation again.


    ; kMsg8021xAMErrIVEFailed


    Short-desc = IVE connection failed

    Long-desc = Manually restart your connection.


    ; kMsg8021xAMErrReconnectFailed


    Short-desc = Windows didn't respond to reconnection request.

    Long-desc = Possible cause may be the network cable is unplugged or

    plugged into a non 8021.x port (on the switch). Please fix the possible

    cause and manually restart your connection.


    ; kMsg8021xAMErrWirelessFailed


    Short-desc = Wireless 802.1x network request failed

    Long-desc = Manually restart your connection.


    ; kMsg8021xAMErrTerminated


    Short-desc = Authentication unexpectedly terminated by Windows 802.1x


    Long-desc = If Windows doesn't retry automatically, then manually restart

    your connection.


    ; kMsg8021xAMErrWirelessSuppression


    Short-desc = 802.1x wireless networks are being suppressed.

    Long-desc = Wireless suppression has been enabled by administrator.

    The 802.1x wireless networks are suppressed when a valid wired network

    is detected.


    ; JUNS catalogUtil requires catalog message files to be saved with UTF-8

    encoding, which put 3 bytes {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF} at the file beginning

    called Byte Order Mark (BOM) for UTF-8 files . For modifications in this

    files, please use Text Editors which persist these BOM bytes (like

    Notepad.exe, Visual Studio IDE, etc).




    Short-desc = Failed to invoke connection method.

    Long-desc = Retry the operation. If the problem persists, re-install

    application or contact your network administrator.




    Short-desc = Connection does not exist

    Long-desc = A connection attempt was made on a connection which does

    not exist, try deleting and re-adding the connection.




    Short-desc = Connection already exists

    Long-desc = A connection attempt was made to a connection which

    already exists, try disconnecting and re-connecting the connection.




    Short-desc = Connection method stopped unexpectedly

    Long-desc = Connection method {0} stopped unexpectedly with error {1},

    try re-starting your application.




    Short-desc = Connection method doesn't allow concurrent connections

    Long-desc = The connection failed because there is already a connection

    of that type connected, and the connection method doesn't allow

    concurrent connections.


    ; JUNS catalogUtil requires catalog message files to be saved with UTF-8

    encoding, which put 3 bytes {0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF} at the file beginning

    called Byte Order Mark (BOM) for UTF-8 files . For modifications in this

    files, please use Text Editors which persist these BOM bytes (like

    Notepad.exe, Visual Studio IDE, etc).


    ; kMsgEapAMErrGeneralFailure


    Short-desc = General failure.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTimeout


    Short-desc = Timeout.

    Long-desc = The operation exceeded the time limit. Try the operation



    ; kMsgEapAMErrIncomplete


    Short-desc = Authentication not completed.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrParseFailure


    Short-desc = Error in format of received messages.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrNoCredentials


    Short-desc = Client credentials were not available.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrInternalFailure


    Short-desc = Unknown error.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrProtocolFailure


    Short-desc = Protocol error in received messages.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrClientReject


    Short-desc = Server not authenticated.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrServerReject


    Short-desc = Authentication rejected by server.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrAuthenticationFailure


    Short-desc = Authentication failure.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsHandshakeFailrure


    Short-desc = TLS handshake failure.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrNoUserCertificate


    Short-desc = User certificate not available

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrNoAgreedMethod


    Short-desc = Client and server could not agree on authentication method.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrErrorChangingPassword


    Short-desc = Error changing password.

    Long-desc = The authentication server might not be currently available.

    Try the operation at a later time. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrRestrictedLogonHours


    Short-desc = Restricted logon hours.

    Long-desc = Your logon credentials are valid only during certain hours.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrNoPermission


    Short-desc = No permission.

    Long-desc = You do not have permission to perform the operation.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrAcctDisabled


    Short-desc = Account disabled

    Long-desc = Your account has been disabled. Contact your network



    ; kMsgEapAMErrPasswordExpired


    Short-desc = Password expired.

    Long-desc = You must change your password before you can login.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrUnknown


    Short-desc = Unknown error.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacAuthFailed


    Short-desc = Authentication rejected by server.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacInvalidRealm


    Short-desc = Invalid Realm.

    Long-desc = The realm is no longer available. If you use saved

    credentials to log in to the system, use the Forget Saved Settings feature

    and then try logging in again.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacVersionUnsupported


    Short-desc = Version unsupported.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacMaxSessions


    Short-desc = Too many users for this realm.

    Long-desc = The selected realm is already serving the maximum number

    of users.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacAdminsOnly


    Short-desc = Only administrators can sign on.

    Long-desc = The realm is currently restricted to administrator access.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacTooMany


    Short-desc = Too many concurrent users.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again at a later time.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacIpDenied


    Short-desc = Logins disabled from this IP address.

    Long-desc = The server has associated your login information with a

    specific IP address and the IP address for this login attempt does not

    match configured settings.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacOtherFailure


    Short-desc = Other JUAC failure.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacAccountDisabled


    Short-desc = Account has been disabled.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacAccountExired


    Short-desc = Account has expired.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacNoRoles


    Short-desc = You are not allowed to sign in.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacIpBlocked


    Short-desc = Logins temporarily disabled from this computer

    Long-desc = Try the operation again at a later time.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacUnknown


    Short-desc = Authentication rejected by server.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacWrongCertificate


    Short-desc = Missing or invalid client certificate

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrJuacAccountLockedOut


    Short-desc = Account locked out

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_0


    Short-desc = Client issued alert close notify.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_10


    Short-desc = Client issued alert unexpected message.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_20


    Short-desc = Client issued alert bad record mac.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_21


    Short-desc = Client issued alert decryption failed.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_22


    Short-desc = Client issued alert record overflow.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_30


    Short-desc = Client issued alert decompression failure.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_40


    Short-desc = Client issued alert handshake failure.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_42


    Short-desc = Client issued alert bad certificate.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_43


    Short-desc = Client issued alert unsupported certificate.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_44


    Short-desc = Client issued alert certificate revoked.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_45


    Short-desc = Client issued alert certificate expired.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_46


    Short-desc = Client issued alert certificate unknown.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_47


    Short-desc = Client issued alert illegal parameter.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_48


    Short-desc = Client issued alert unknown certificate authority.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_49


    Short-desc = Client issued alert access denied.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_50


    Short-desc = Client issued alert decode error.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_51


    Short-desc = Client issued alert decrypt error.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_60


    Short-desc = Client issued alert export restriction.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_70


    Short-desc = Client issued alert protocol version.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_71


    Short-desc = Client issued alert insufficient security.

    Long-desc = Contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_80


    Short-desc = Client issued alert internal error.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_90


    Short-desc = Client issued alert user canceled.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsClientAlert_100


    Short-desc = Client issued alert no renegotiation.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsServerAlert_0


    Short-desc = Server issued alert close notify.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsServerAlert_10


    Short-desc = Server issued alert unexpected message.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsServerAlert_20


    Short-desc = Server issued alert bad record mac.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsServerAlert_21


    Short-desc = Server issued alert decryption failed.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsServerAlert_22


    Short-desc = Server issued alert record overflow.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsServerAlert_30


    Short-desc = Server issued alert decompression failure.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsServerAlert_40


    Short-desc = Server issued alert handshake failure.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again. If the problem persists, contact your

    network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsServerAlert_42


    Short-desc = Server issued alert bad certificate.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again with a valid client certificate. If the

    problem persists, contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsServerAlert_43


    Short-desc = Server issued alert unsupported certificate.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again with a valid client certificate. If the

    problem persists, contact your network administrator.


    ; kMsgEapAMErrTlsServerAlert_44


    Short-desc = Server issued alert certificate revoked.

    Long-desc = Try the operation again with a valid client certificate. If the

    problem persists, contact your network administrator.


  • Kaynak: www.juniper.net/support/downloads/?p=pulse#docs

    File Date: 31 Mar 2015


    Problems Resolved in in Pulse5.0R10

    Problem Report Number Description
    PRS-322849 Pulse is sending a reconnect message every 5 seconds in L2 connection when the user disjoins the domain.
    PRS-322041 Pulse may crash when choosing the option to “Forget Saved Settings” when uninstalling Pulse on a Mac OS X client.
    PRS-321099 Pulse cannot handle 802.1x authentication on devices that have configured virtual NICs.
    PRS-315232 EAPHost packets may be fragmented when using Host Checker.
    PRS-199150 Incorrect error message is displayed in Pulse for revoked certificate when doing certificate authentication.
    PRS-322740 Pulse may not connect if pre-signin notifications are configured.
    PRS-320935 SSL transport may be unduly slow when large packets are sent.
    PRS-318910 SSL transport for Pulse is noticeably slower than Network Connect.


    Problems Resolved in Pulse5.0R9

    Problem Report Number Description
    PRS-319255 Pulse 802.1x connections fail when password expiration messages are displayed.
    PRS-318525 When using machine authentication AND single user session, changing network type may trigger disconnects.
    PRS-316212 Enabling wireless suppression on a connection set may cause excessive eap3host.exe processes to be spawned on clients that do not have permission to change NIC state.
    PRS-315530 Connecting on a cellular data connection may prevent access to protected resources on Windows 8.1.
    PRS-257980 Pulse Credential Provider tile “Other User” should display the Pulse icon on Windows 7.
    PRS-320072 Session start script to map network drives may fail to launch.


    Problems Resolved in Pulse5.0R8

    Problem Report Number Description
    PRS-317884 When the IC and SRX use IPSEC with 802.1x and a user moves between standard access and remediation access roles, JNPRNS will retain the previous IP.
    PRS-318538 JNPRNS installation triggers BSOD on Vista; starting with Pulse 5.0R8, JNPRNA will be installed again.
    PRS-315756 The Pulse client on Mac OS shows only 6 configured Pulse Connection sets.
    PRS-315426 If “Search device DNS only” is set on a connection profile used by Pulse a Windows machine may require 1+ minutes to complete login after hard power off.
    PRS-318833 Pulse may not resume the VPN session correctly after an active/cluster node failover.
    PRS-309684 Pulse may reconnect after a user signs out from the browser when SSL acceleration is enabled.


    Problems Resolved in Pulse5.0R7

    Problem Report Number Description
    PRS-317942 Self-upgrade of JIS prompts for admin credentials.
    PRS-316630 Pulse customization tool (Branding tool) is not working with latest Junos Pulse client on Mac OS X
    PRS-316089 Pulse start up can be delayed when unreachable network drive is in PATH system variable
    PRS-315986 Junos Pulse does not prompt for secondary credentials when Defender RADIUS server is configured as secondary authentication server.
    PRS-315084 Due to race condition on WTS_LOGON Pulse 802.1x Wired connection is prompting for credentials after PC reboot logoff and login
    PRS-314240 On OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) Pulse cannot be un-installed by dragging Pulse icon to trash
    PRS-312285 Pulse Commandline Launcher (PCL) does not work with RSA SecureID
    PRS-282866 Wireless 802.1x: Endpoint drops wireless connection during a VLAN change






  • Kaynak: www.juniper.net/support/downloads/?p=pulse#docs

    File Date: 18 Mar 2015


    Problems Resolved in Pulse5.1R2

    Problem Report Number Description

    A tunnel cannot be established when running Pulse over a 3G connection in Windows 8.1.

    PRS-322849 Pulse is sending a reconnect message every 5 seconds in L2 connection when the user disjoins the domain.
    PRS-322752 Garbled characters are displayed when uninstalling Pulse Secure on a Japanese OS client
    PRS-322041 Pulse may crash when choosing the option to “Forget Saved Settings” when uninstalling Pulse on a Mac OS X client
    PRS-321594 Excessive CPU utilization may be observed when viewing the “About” box with the default Windows 7 theme
    PRS-319801 Invalid character/resource string displayed next to the connection when using Chinese language settings
    PRS-319255 Pulse 802.1x connections fail when password expiration messages are displayed.
    PRS-318525 When using machine authentication AND single user session, changing network type may trigger disconnects.
    PRS-315530 Connecting on a cellular data connection may prevent access to protected resources on Windows 8.1.
    PRS-309684 Pulse goes into reconnect mode when signing out using the browser with SSL Acceleration enabled
    PRS-257980 Pulse Credential Provider tile “Other User” should display the Pulse icon on Windows 7. <—not sure about the garbled text showing in the document 


    Known Issues in this release

    Problem Report Number Description
    PRS-324077 Upgrading through the browser from Pulse 5.0 to 5.1 does not trigger an automatic user reconnection